Digital platforms and tools can support widespread construction of learning resources and allow teachers to create local learning resources. However proprietary apps control over knowledge creation and sharing is a big impediment. Gurumurthy Kasinathan in a piece for The Hindu, makes the case for curriculum and teaching-…
public education
ITfC made a presentation to the Secretaries of Education from different state governments. The presentation explains the need to move from 'first generation programs' where students only learn word, notepad, paint etc, through vendor faculty, bypassing teachers, to "second generation programs" - where teachers use software tools to create…
Based on our advocacy work relating to National Policy on ICT in School Education, the issue of 'vendor driven ICT programs' was discussed in the Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE) and a sub-committee was set-up to study the issue. ITfC was asked to make a presentation at the meeting of the sub-committee on ICTs in School Education of…
The Department of Public Instruction, Government of Karnataka and Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, have initiated an ICT programme for all the high schools of the state. This entire programme, including the classroom training, has been outsourced. However, our research suggests that vendors are finding it challenging…
MHRD released a draft note on 'Public Private Partnership in school education' in October 2009.
The note made several assumptions about the inherent superiority of the private sector, and seemed to suggest that government school system has not worked and private schools are a systemic option.
IT for Change helped bring together…