
The International Girls in ICT Day was organised by International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in Bangkok, in collaboration with UN Women and Intel, on 23 April, 2015. Ms. Anupama Suresh represented IT for Change at the event and shared her experiences of the project Making Women’s Voices and Votes Count. In her presentation, Anupama shared…

The role of the Internet and of digital technologies in structuring our lived reality is beyond doubt. As a core facet of contemporary society, the Internet is central today to the enjoyment of our rights and freedoms. ITU statistics point to how the Internet has developed unevenly throughout the world - 77 percent of people from developed…

This is a summary report from IT for Change, presenting the key research insights arising out of the 5 research projects and 6 think-pieces commissioned as part of the CITIGEN programme.

Read the summary report.

IT for Change, Kutch Mahila Vikas Sangathan (KMVS), and Area Networking and Development Initiatives (ANANDI) collaborated in the 'Making Women's Voices and Votes Count', a two-year field project funded by UN Women, between January 2013-June 2015. Under this project,the three organisations with the…

In July 2009, Prakriye, in partnership with Mahila Samakhya Karnataka, UNICEF and Sarva Shikshana Abhiyan (Karnataka) launched the Kishori Chitrapata project.
The project explored the innovative use of ICTs, in particular videos and photos, to address the learning needs of out-of-school adolescent girls through…

The Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia/Commonwealth of Learning (CEMCA/CoL) supported the Kelu Sakhi radio project that aimed to develop community radio skills among the disadvantaged rural women in the taluks of Mysore district, in Karnataka, South India. Following a positive response to the project, CEMCA…

In August 2012, IT for Change was approached by the United Nations Project Office on Governance (UNPOG), for inputs to their research on "Role of e-Government to Promote Gender Equality in the Asia Pacific". Our submission argues for the need to move beyond the blind spot of the value neutrality of technology in e-governance…

This research study, carried out by IT for Change in partnership with Dr. Lisa McLaughlin from Miami University,Ohio (United States), explores the structural-institutional facets of the relationship between women entrepreneurs, ICTs and the mainstream discourse on entrepreneurship. The study was carried out in the states of…

Mahiti Manthana was a joint initiative of Prakriye and Mahila Samakhya Karnataka, undertaken between 2005 and 2009. Since its inception in 2005, the project primarily aimed at exploring the possibilities offered by community informatics practice, for strengthening the empowerment processes of…

A two day photo exhibition was organised in the villages Hosavaranchi (on Jun 7-8) and Attiguppe (May 31-Jun 1), in Mysore district, to showcase to the community the learning of adolescent girls who participate in the 'Kishori Chitrapata' (Images by Adolescent Girls) Project, a collaborative intervention of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan (SSA…