

ITfC made a presentation at NUEPA, in a workshop for education Secretaries from different states, on the guidelines for ICT @ School program. The presentation discussed key challenges facing teacher education and the need to evolve new models of teacher education that are need based, self directed and self paced learning with…


ITfC made a presentation to the Secretaries of Education from different state governments. The presentation explains the need to move from 'first generation programs' where students only learn word, notepad, paint etc, through vendor faculty, bypassing teachers, to "second generation programs" - where teachers use software tools to create…


Study Visit for Mongolian delegation on e-governance in India , November 18-26 2011

Between 18th and 26th November 2011, IT for Change in partnership with LoGin South Asia organised a study visit on e-governance for a 17 member delegation from Mongolia, led by the Deputy Chief of the Cabinet Secretariat Mr.…


IT for Change organised a panel with IKME at the EADI/DSA General Conference on 'Rethinking Development in an Age of Scarcity and Uncertainty' which was held in York (United Kingdom) on 19-22 September 2011. The panel was titled 'How are Digital Technologies Transforming Development?' Anita Gurumurthy was a part of the panel…


Anita Gurumurthy attended the UNWomen workshop on 'Leading Innovations for Gender Responsible Service Delivery' at Dar-es Salam, Tanzania (21-22 June 2011). The workshop was part of the United Nations Public Service Forum being organised by UN DESA along with other UN entities such as UNODC. Anita spoke on 'What information…


Based on our advocacy work relating to National Policy on ICT in School Education, the issue of 'vendor driven ICT programs' was discussed in the Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE) and a sub-committee was set-up to study the issue. ITfC was asked to make a presentation at the meeting of the sub-committee on ICTs in School Education of…


Anita Gurumurthy made a presentation on Network publics at 'Conference on Digital Technologies for 21st Century Democracy' by Club De Madrid in New York (USA). The presentation titled 'Network publics as digital futures' questioned the nature of a global network public that can guarantee equitable governance.


Anita Gurumurthy's presentation at the conference on 'Gender Equity Policies - New Scenarios, Actors and Articulations' (Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 2010) asked epistemological questions about gender equity policies through the lens of the knowledge society, considering issues of production/reproduction, public/private…


Anita Gurumurthy was part of the panel on “Exploring the relationship between cultural rights and cultural diversity” at the February 2010 Seminar organised by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, in partnership with the International Organization of La Francophonie and UNESCO. She made a presentation…


Anita Gurumurthy delivered two lectures on the interface between Gender and the Information Society on 25-26 March 2010 in Malaysia. At the Women's Development Research Centre (Kanita) in the University Sains Malaysia (Penang), she talked about 'Reframing Southern feminism(s) – An information society perspective'.
