Development and Democracy


ICT-enabled decentralisation: The Ente Gramam and e-krishi projects of the Kerala State IT Mission

Short Description: Ente Gramam is a project of the Kerala State IT Mission under which community web portals, with contextually appropriate, locally generated content, have been developed in over 100 Gram Panchayats and 10…


ICTs for Community Empowerment and Action by Youth

Context: Since independence it has been the hope and expectation that the country's youth shall show a spirit of community-orientation and volunteerism towards the difficult task of…


Rajiv Gandhi Sewa Kendras as village information and knowledge centres enhancing transparency and accountability in governance (as part of NREGA scheme)



Moving beyond capacity building mode to ICT-based resource support system for elected representatives


Context: Decentralisation has been…

IT for Change was asked to provide inputs in the area of e-governance and ICTD to UNDP as it was developing its plan for the programming period of 2013-18. Upon thorough study of the e-governance and ICTD scenario in India and interweaving of UNDP's general priorities and outlook with the same, IT for Change came out with a detailed document…


The draft Bill opens up some important possibilities; if digital means can be used to deliver services in a completely transparent, accountable and efficient way, much can change in India. There are many important public services, and many important 'parts' of other…

In August 2012, IT for Change was approached by the United Nations Project Office on Governance (UNPOG), for inputs to their research on "Role of e-Government to Promote Gender Equality in the Asia Pacific". Our submission argues for the need to move beyond the blind spot of the value neutrality of technology in e-governance…

Brief elaboration of some points made during stakeholder consultation on “Legitimate Restrictions on Freedom of Online Speech:  Creating Balanced Approach: From Deadlock to Dialogue” held by FICCI on 4th of September, 2012

IT for Change took part in stakeholder consultation on “Legitimate Restrictions on Freedom of Online Speech: Creating Balanced Approach: From Deadlock to Dialogue” Held by FICCI on 4th of September, 2012. We also submitted written comments on how this issue should dealt at a practical level, especially in view of the very…