This paper was written for the second IGF – Access Plenary Panel (Rio de Janeiro, 2007). It posits that ICTD models for poor people cannot be driven by financial considerations, and neither can they be demand-driven. Access to ICTs for the information poor has a very direct impact on their development status; consequently, ICTs cannot be…
Development and Democracy
Anita Gurumurthy was at the 2007 Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICTD) Conference held on 15-16 December in Bengaluru (India). She participated in a panel discussion on 'Meaningful Research for ICT and Development'. Her presentation highlighted the dominant meanings ascribed to ICTD theory both in…
IT for Change was part of a workshop on 'Audio visual resources for development: Moving towards open paradigms' in Bengaluru (India) on 15 June 2006. The workshop was aimed at initiating a policy dialogue on free sharing of audio visual (AV) development content aimed at grassroots interventions, so that these interventions…
In 2005, IT for Change carried out a series of three case studies in order to explore community-owned ICTD models in India. The selected initiatives were Akshaya (Kerala), the rural e-Seva kiosks (Andhra Pradesh), and n-Logue, TeNet and DHAN Foundation (Tamil Nadu) which are all large scale initiatives.
The research…
Anita Gurumurthy wrote about the promise of ICTs for developing countries in World economy and Development In Brief. In this articles, she states that even though the IT revolution did open up new job avenues
, and IT-enabled outsourcing seemed to finally hark in the promise of a level playing field of a globalised…
This paper was a contribution to the deliberations of the Task Force on Financial Mechanisms set up under the process for the World summit on the information society (WSIS). It is a summary of insights emerging from a study of 3 large scale ICT4D initiatives in India. It discusses issues relevant to financial mechanisms from…