

Digital labour platforms function in markets through “matching…the supply of and demand for paid work through an online platform”. One of the major ways in which matching platforms function is through algorithms, which collect vast amounts of data both from the workers and their customers in order to ostensibly optimise their services…


IT for Change and the Kerala Development and Innovation Strategic Council (K-DISC), held a half-day expert roundtable on 9 September 2023 in Thiruvananthapuram, India, bringing together 30 stakeholders (the list of participants is attached in Annexure 1).

The aim was to gather perspectives on how to move towards an enabling environment…


This study was conducted by betterplace lab, and commissioned by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

The study outlines the challenges, needs, and potential vis-à-vis feminist development policy in order to achieve a…


The Roots of Resilience Conference, a collaborative effort by the Kerala Development and Innovation Strategic Council (KDISC), IT for Change (ITfC), and the Platform Cooperativism Consortium (PCC) unfolded in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, from 30 November to 2 December 2023. One key outcome that emerged from the engaging discussions over…


In an interview with Anita Gurumurthy and Nandini Chami of IT for Change, Sally Burch (ALAI) explores the concept of “digital intelligence” as a broader conception of AI that takes into account the interaction between human and digital systems. This interview was originally published in Spanish by the digital magazine,…


While DPDPA 2023 is a big step, it requires changes to better safeguard worker rights.

Technological advancements, particularly in data-driven production processes, have expanded the scope of workplace regulation beyond individual privacy concerns to encompass data protections and economic justice within the paradigm of decent work…


Increasing digitalisation has spawned a system-wide disruption resulting in a reorganisation of production on a global to local scale. This is evident in both traditional value chains and in newer forms of work organisation, like platform work, cloud work, microwork and other invisible, but significant, sectors. The world…


IT for Change’s portal 'Judicial Resource Guide on Forging a Survivor-Centric Approach to Online Gender-Based Violence' serves as a tool for judges and lawyers to acquire a comprehensive understanding of gendered cyberviolence and to discover rights-based and survivor-focused solutions within the legal framework. The portal is organized into…


Tech titans are fostering new forms of digital colonialism, both within wealthy countries and on the global stage. But it’s not too late to build a digital economy that works for everyone.

The digital economy is not working.

Democracy, freedom, and prosperity were the original promises of the internet. The world wide web was a…


In this paper, the authors argue that there is substantial scope for data governance policies for the Global South to draw from theories and practices informed by the idea that data can be a subject of decentralized, community-centric governance. First, the paper highlights the importance of recognizing communities and groups as agents with…