women's rights online


At the 2008 AWID Forum (Cape Town, South Africa, 14-17 November), IT for Change (ITfC) was  part of the strategic session on 'Politics, power and the Internet' which discussed the intersections between women's rights and communication rights, and why communication rights are critical to women's movements. ITfC was also…

This publication showcases perspectives that critique the engagement with new technologies in various development sectors such as the media, work and economy and governance.

This paper, presented at the United Theological College (Bengaluru, India) on 14 December 2006, points out that ICTs are reshaping personal and institutional relationships and the new public reality that ICTs have helped create need to be seen as a new site for feminism. The author discusses the recent depoliticisation of gender and the…


IT for Change presented a paper titled 'Project development for expanding women's digital opportunities: some reflections' at the Policy and Strategy for Digital Opportunities from the Gender Perspectives organised by the Asian Pacific Women's Information Network Center (APWINC) in Seoul (South Korea) in July 2006. In this…

Written and produced in collaboration with partners, the Bridge Cutting Edge Packs provide accessible overviews of the latest thinking on a gender theme and summaries of the most useful resources. Each pack includes an Overview Report, a Supporting Resources Collection and a copy of Gender and Development In Brief. In the the 'Gender and ICTs'…

The role of the Internet and of digital technologies in structuring our lived reality is beyond doubt. As a core facet of contemporary society, the Internet is central today to the enjoyment of our rights and freedoms. ITU statistics point to how the Internet has developed unevenly throughout the world - 77 percent of people from developed…