ITfC conducted a study to design a framework for implementing ICT integration in school education for the entire country, in collaboration with Tata Trusts. The study aimed to build a knowledge base on ICT program design which was submitted to MHRD as an input. The study also aimed to influence organizations working in the area of ICT integration in education. Based on the recommended design, the report computed cost/ investment benchmarks for a program for integrating ICT in school education in India.
The report provides a holistic framework, covering ICT infrastructure, teacher education, curriculum and content and education administration, aiming to support the creation of an ecosystem of ICT integration.
The note assumes certain principles- firstly ICT program should aim to support the achievement of educational aims. Secondly, ICT implementation must support the achievement of education policy. Thirdly, the design of ICT programs must consciously aim for sustainability, where the schools and other institutions can continue the integration of ICT beyond the initial investment period.
The report discusses ICT integration across five components - ICT infrastructure, school level implementation, teacher professional development (TPD), curricular resource development and Educational administration.