
As the Supreme Court finds itself in the midst of a heated debate on privacy, Parminder Jeet Singh muses on the implications for a citizen oriented right to privacy in the digital age in The Hindu…

In this piece for The Hindu, Parminder Jeet Singh calls attention to the usurpation of digital issues by the ever increasing ambit of global trade treaties, and discusses possible policy…

The OWINFS Statement of Political Unity

A Statement of Unity from

The paper is the documentation of the ‘Digital Storytelling’ (DST) project run by the authors with teachers and students in seven different goverment high schools. This academic process of…

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Understanding platformization

Platformization is a key facet of the global economy today. Platforms, as understood through informational capitalism, are not just online market…

Gurumurthy is the convenor of the syllabus development committee of ICT Mediation paper in the revised D.El.Ed syllabus for Karnataka.  Originally developed in 2012, this paper has now been…

Mathematics teaching in government high schools is challenging. The general difficulty in mathematics, of moving from concrete to abstract, is aggravated by lack of home support, poverty, high…

Content and pedagogy are seen as inter-twined components of learning1, However, the textbook culture2 sees the teacher as a mere disseminator of the prescribed text book . This emphasis on pre-…

As a part of the its implementation of its ICT program in schools, the department of School Education is working on developing the Telangana Repository of Open Educational Resources (TROER) web…

On June 28, 2017 Anita Gurumurthy joined Nicole Shephard in a tweetchat organized by GenderITorg to discuss the impact of Big Data on gender and women’s rights.

Find the storify here.  …