

Developing countries need to recognise that in the datafying economy, any step towards creating a level playing field for local platforms must foreground and tackle the question of data in digital trade regimes. Read more in our submission to the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on E-commerce and the Digital Economy on ‘Fostering Development…


Current trajectories of the network-data complex relying on corporate partnerships cast data and intelligence as purely market goods. Investment by state in public data architectures could show the way for new possibilities in this direction. Read more for  Anita Gurumurthy's take on 'data for development partnerships'.

This post was…


IT for Change submitted inputs to the Zero Draft of the Agreed Conclusions for CSW 62. The Zero Draft focuses on the priority theme - 'challenges and opportunities in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of rural women and girls'. The objective of the input is to recognise the place of media and ICTs in gender equality and rural women’…


The Just Net Coalition (JNC) has sent an open letter to Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the Web, voicing its objection to World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) official recommendation of Encrypted Media Extensions (EME). The use of EME, developed by W3C, poses a risk to billions of people's security and privacy, and restricts their access to…


IT for Change contributed to the 'Call for submission on online violence against women' by the Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, Ms. Dubravka Šimonović as part of the Online Freedom for All = No Unfreedom for Women - Project on Technology-Mediated Violence Against Women.

The paper provides a state of play of the legislative,…


IT for Change made a submission to the Call for Comments on the draft update of General Recommendation No.19 (1992) on gender based violence against women, issued by the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. Our suggestions stress the need to account for the equivalence of the effects of offline and technology-mediated…


It is widely accepted that digital technologies (popularly known as Information and Communication Technologies or ICT) have the potential to strengthen and reform school education. However, in the absence of a clear framework for program design, the impact of numerous governmental and non-governmental actors on learning processes and outcomes…


The starting point of this paper is that efforts to bridge the gender digital divide or use ICTs towards women’s empowerment in the current digitalised socio-economic paradigm must be more than just about women’s access to connectivity. They must focus on the design of institutional frameworks that can guarantee the democratic distribution of…


In our response to the timely consultation paper by TRAI on  Privacy, Security and Ownership of the Data in the Telecom Sector we advocate for a broad spectrum of safeguarded data including 'collective/social data' in light of its commercial value. The paper recognizes that consent based ownership frameworks are inadequate for various reasons…


MC11 e-com battlelines drawn across three camps' gives an overview of the various positions countries have adopted on e-commerce and trade, and likely to play out at the 11th WTO Ministerial Conference from 10 to 13 December, 2017. The divergent approaches to the subject not only follows a North- South divide as is…