The Institute on Gender, Technology and Education organized by IT for Change with support from the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) is conducting a short course for women professionals in higher education institutions in India. The course seeks to equip women professionals in higher education with a critical understanding of gender, technology & education & improve working knowledge on safe internet use.
Course Transaction
- Mode: Online
- Dates: June 17-19th, 2022
- Time: 2pm to 4pm and 4.30pm to 6.30pm each day
- Type of Learning: Lectures, case study sessions, panel discussion, group learning exercises on a Moodle platform along with the use of interactive tools
- Transaction: The course will be transacted in English and will require engagement with readings and assessments to be completed and submitted in English
Participation Details
The Institute will be open to women professionals in higher education settings, from any location across India. This includes principals, deans, heads of departments in a college/university, teachers and lecturers in undergraduate or postgraduate programs (in any discipline), as well as administration or management professionals in the education sector.
Course Details
Day 1 : June 17, 2022 Theme: How are gender relations built-in technology and education? Sessions will demonstrate how technologies are not asocial artifacts but catalysts and enablers that co-constitute society. We will also provide a peek into what it means to adopt a gender perspective in analyzing education and technology in education practices.
Day 2: June 18, 2022 Theme: Negotiating patriarchy and Unpacking Ed-Tech. Exclusionary technologies engender conditions for access and participation that produce new marginalities and vulnerabilities that differentially impact women across caste, class, and ethnicity. Ed-Tech is one of the rapidly growing sectors in the digital economy. What kind of techno-architecture choices can help universities ensure that the foundational digital and data infrastructure is not privatized? The sessions will deploy an intersectional lens to critically examine the interlocking grids of gender and technology in education
Day 3: June 19, 2022 Theme: Designing Inclusive Classrooms in the climate of Techno-utopianism. Sessions will reflect the operations of exclusions in mainstream knowledge cultures and what it means to build gender into educational resources (OER and virtual library curation). The focus will be on designing gender-inclusive virtual learning spaces that are impacted by the digital.
Registration details
To enroll for the course, register here. Registration closes on June 12, 2022. After you register, you will get an email with the link to the course page and additional resources.
Write to[@] if you have any questions or clarifications.