

The Global Digital Justice Forum (GDJ Forum) was invited by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to submit a civil society statement to the Chairperson and organizers of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)+20 Forum High-Level Event 2024, which was held from 27 to 31 May 2024, co-organized by ITU, UNESCO, UNDP and…

1. What’s the Global Digital Compact?

The Global Digital Compact (GDC) is a framework for international digital cooperation that is currently being negotiated as an annex to the Pact for the Future, an intergovernmental agreement that seeks to “build a multilateral system that delivers for everyone, everywhere” with concrete actions towards…


Anita Gurumurthy was invited to speak at the international multistakeholder conference CONNECTing the Dots: Options for Future Action organised by UNESCO in Paris. The conference was held to discuss the first draft of the Comprehensive Study on Internet-related issues. The meeting proposed recommendations for responses to Internet-related…


Issue No. 287 of the Third World Network's 'Resurgence' featured many articles by members of the Just Net Coalition, foregrounding global level Internet Governance issues of critical importance, during the run up to the IGF 2014, Istanbul. Parminder Jeet Singh's overview traces the International IG scene so far, emphasizes Snowden's…


IAMCR's 2014 took place in Hyderabad, India from 15th-19th July. The conference theme was Region as Frame: Politics, Presence, Practice. Anita Gurumurthy was invited to be a part of the panel on 'Governing Digital Spaces: Issues of Access, Freedom and Privacy'. Anita began her talk, by tracing the discursive trajectory of many a popular IG…


A meeting on 'Towards a Just and Equitable Internet' was held in New Delhi on 14th and 15th Feb, 2014. A large number of civil society organisations and individuals from across the world attended the meeting. The participants agreed to form a coalition, called as the 'Just Net Coalition' (JNC), as a platform to address issues of social justice…


At the World Summit on Information Society + 10 Review,  Anita Gurumurthy delivered a speech as civil society representative, at the closing ceremony.

This speech (English version) highlights the need to galvanise the moment of ambiguity into an opportunity that gathers progressive energies towards a…


In this article for IGF Watch, Parminder Jeet Singh unpacks the politics of 'enhanced-cooperation' and recounts IT for Change's continued efforts towards a more inclusive debate on this topic at various international forums and the resistance.



The 2008 Internet Governance Forum(IGF) was held in Hyderabad, India, between 3-6 December with the  overall theme 'Internet for All'. IT for Change (ITfC), along with the Alternative Law Forum, the Centre for Internet and Society, the Delhi Science Forum, the Free Software Foundation and Knowledge Commons, sent an open…


The article articulates the political contestations surrounding the governance of the Internet and explores how governments from the global South can challenge the dominant neo-liberal ideologies that shape the existing cornerstones of Internet governance.

Given that the Internet has…