Over the past two years, there have been concerning instances of excess and malpractice by Big Tech, leading to serious social, political, and economic consequences. These include data extractivism, increased worker precarity, setbacks in gender justice, the domination of developing countries' infrastructure, manipulation of global governance spaces, and ecological exploitation, among others.
Courses and Curriculum
IT for Change believes that sustainable positive change requires deep pedagogical intervention. New frames of thinking, appropriate modes of learning, and diverse knowledges are necessary to unpack social experience and develop shared vocabulary in current times of technology-mediated change. We collaborate with different institutions to offer short and semester-long courses on the many themes with regard to the information society. We have also supported curriculum development for various institutions, contributing to the design of forward-looking learning systems.

Centre for Education and Technology, IT for Change are designing and transacting a “Technology integrated learning” course for student teachers of the Bachelors in Education course at Vijaya Teachers College, Bengaluru. This is the first B.Ed. course based on the National ICT Curriculum, 2013 of Central Institute of Education Technology (CIET),

The course Re-wiring Women's Rights Debates in the Digital Age was organised in New Delhi between 13-15 September 2014, by IT for Change in partnership with Kutch Mahila Vikas Sangathan and ANANDI, with funding support from IDRC, Canada and UN Women Fund for Gender Equality. The course brought together women's rights advocates – research scholars and practitioners, in a

IT for Change in collaboration with Azim Premji University and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung - India Office organised a course 'Re-conceptualising Women’s Rights and Gender Equality in a Plaformising Society' on 17th and 18th August 2018.
Essential background readings for the course
Avila, R. et. al. (2018). Artificial

IT for Change and Manipal Centre for Philosophy and Humanities, University of Manipal organised a course on 'Social Justice in an Internet-mediated World' that examined themes such as: Role of Technology in Oppression and Emancipation through History, Digital Technologies and the Discourse of Social Justice in India, Globalisation and Democracy in an Internet-mediated world, and the Place of
Contributions to curriculum making
Our field projects, in teacher education as well as at the school level have helped us contribute to policy and curriculum frameworks at the national and state levels. Our participation in some of these:
Re-Wiring Women’s Rights Debates in the Digital Age
Mr.Paranjoy Guha Thakurta speaks on 'Challenges to Gender Justice in the Era of Media Convergence' at the 'Re-wiring Women's Rights Debates in the Digital Age' short course organised by IT for Change.
Azim Premji University Colloquium Series
Bishakha Datta, Usha Ramanathan and Anita Gurumurthy cast a Feminist Lens on a Digital India