IT for Change (ITfC) submitted a solicited paper on the role of Common Services Centres (CSCs) to the e-governance division of the Department of Information Technology of the Government of India. The paper briefly examines the CSC model of employing ICTs for community…
Development and Democracy/Advocacy
This case study is part of a research project that sought to analyse how different telecentre models approach development on the ground, proceeding to elaborate a typology based on the cornerstones of participation and equity. To conduct this assessment, four telecentre…
This publication is the first in a series of reports covering the state of the information society on an annual basis, and focuses on the theme of participation. The report has three interrelated goals: surveying the state of the field of ICT policy at the local and global…
This paper was written for the second IGF – Access Plenary Panel (Rio de Janeiro, 2007). It posits that ICTD models for poor people cannot be driven by financial considerations, and neither can they be demand-driven. Access to ICTs for the information poor has a very direct impact on their…
The draft Bill opens up some important possibilities; if digital means can be used to deliver services in a completely transparent, accountable and efficient way, much can change in India. There are many important public…
Brief elaboration of some points made during stakeholder consultation on “Legitimate Restrictions on Freedom of Online Speech: Creating Balanced Approach: From Deadlock to Dialogue” held by FICCI on 4th of…
IT for Change took part in stakeholder consultation on “Legitimate Restrictions on Freedom of Online Speech: Creating Balanced Approach: From Deadlock to Dialogue” Held by FICCI on 4th of September, 2012. We also submitted written comments on how this issue should dealt at a…
IT for Change was asked to provide inputs in the area of e-governance and ICTD to UNDP as it was developing its plan for the programming period of 2013-18. Upon thorough study of the e-governance and ICTD scenario in India and interweaving of UNDP's general priorities and outlook with the same,…