Gurumurthy is the convenor of the syllabus development committee of ICT Mediation paper in the revised D.El.Ed syllabus for Karnataka. Originally developed in 2012, this paper has now been revised to reflect the experiences from Subject Teacher Forum and the Teachers' Community of Learning programs implemented in Karnataka. The ICT Mediation paper incorporates the recommendations from the National ICT curriculum.
Rationale for revision of 'ICT Mediation in education' paper
The ICT Mediation paper was prepared as part of the in KETEC document in 2012. Subsequently there have been significant developments in the broader ICT and education space, requiring greater emphasis on ICT mediation. Such greater emphasis is reflected in the NCTE D.El.Ed. curriculum, where the equivalent 'Pedagogy and ICT integration across the Curriculum' is of 100 marks (50 marks in each of the 2 years).
Secondly, DSERT 1 has, since 2012, gained significant understanding on ICT integration, due to its practical experiences of in integrating ICTs in school education in Karnataka, through the “Subject Teacher Forum” (in service teachereducation for government school teachers) and the Teacher Educators Communities of Practice (inservice program for DIET faculty across the state) programs. In a pilot project (“Teachers Communities of Learning”) to test ICT integration in schools, members of the ICT group have also been working, in collaboration with Bengaluru South DIET, at classroom and school levels in Karnataka, with various technology integration strategies and this has significantly added to the body of knowledge on ICT mediation in education. Members of the group have also participated in the National ICT curriculum preparation, led by NCERT, which has explored richer possibilities for ICT integration in education.