Free and Open Source Software


English in India is a passport to socio-economic mobility. English, however, is not taught successfully, except in a few elite schools inaccessible to most students, who rely on the public (government) school system instead. This project has implemented an AI-driven software to support English language teachers in the public school system…


The Karnataka Residential Educational Institutions Society (KREIS) runs residential schools for children from the marginalized sections of the society. IT for Change (ITfC) has recently started working with KREIS to help them to build the capacity of the KREIS Teachers to integrate ICT into teaching-learning in sustained and meaningful ways. As…


IT for Change (ITfC) and Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA), New Delhi collaborated to design and conduct a five-day workshop on “Use of technology and OER for e-content development” for ODL professionals of Karnataka State Open University (KSOU), Mysuru. The workshop was organized by KSOU in their computer lab…


The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic during March 2020 in India led to nationwide lockdown and the prolonged closure of schools to reduce the risk of infection. This heavily disrupted the learning process, causing a large gap in the academic exposure of students. To bridge the learning gap in students, IT for Change (ITfC) designed and conducted…


IT for Change is collaborating with the NMKRV College for Women to conduct the “ICT Integrated Learning” Course as part of the four-year “Integrated B.Ed program” being offered by the college. The college is one of few pioneers to offer the 4-year Integrated B.A B.Ed and B.Sc B.Ed programs, which has been recommended by the National Education…


Schools and educational institutions have tended to use proprietary software applications: software that is not sold, but ‘licensed’, by the vendor. Here, the institution is only a ‘user’, and neither owns the software nor has any control over it. Over the last decade, however, the Indian public school and higher education systems have made…


IT for Change (ITfC) and Sri Sarvajna College of Education (SSCE), an eminent college of teacher education in Bengaluru, are collaborating to offer all the courses of the B.Ed. program offered by SSCE as online courses. ITfC will also design and transact the ‘ICT Integrated Learning’ course as a part of the B.Ed. program.

The courses are…


IT for Change, in collaboration with Foundation for Education, Ecology and Livelihoods (FEEL) has designed an e-learning course for Mathematics teachers which is currently being offered for Kendriya Vidyalaya Sanghathan (KVS) teachers. KVS is the Central Government institution that runs schools for…


Building teacher networks and supporting teacher development through digital methods is an important area of our field engagement.  Our teacher education models have adopted the Professional Learning Community approach to in-service teacher education programs. The key objectives of these programs are to build teacher capacities…


Our “Teachers Community of Learning” (TCOL) is an intensive program focusing on developing classroom strategies and teacher development programmes through ICT integration at the class, school and block levels, that can result in a meaningful and empowering educational experiences for teachers and students.

Our TCOL field projects with…