

IT for Change’s portal 'Judicial Resource Guide on Forging a Survivor-Centric Approach to Online Gender-Based Violence' serves as a tool for judges and lawyers to acquire a comprehensive understanding of gendered cyberviolence and to discover rights-based and survivor-focused solutions within the legal framework. The portal is organized into…


Tech titans are fostering new forms of digital colonialism, both within wealthy countries and on the global stage. But it’s not too late to build a digital economy that works for everyone.

The digital economy is not working.

Democracy, freedom, and prosperity were the original promises of the internet. The world wide web was a…


In this paper, the authors argue that there is substantial scope for data governance policies for the Global South to draw from theories and practices informed by the idea that data can be a subject of decentralized, community-centric governance. First, the paper highlights the importance of recognizing communities and groups as agents with…


As procurers of all the civic tech that surrounds us, municipal authorities today find themselves in a unique position — they have become the custodians of personal and aggregate data generated by the world’s largest human concentrations. Rich or poor, large or small, democratic, autocratic, or otherwise, cities — mostly in the Global South —…


In the last few years, data has been likened, aside from the hackneyed comparison to ‘oil’, to any number of tangible entities such as mineral deposits, dividend deposits, and even the Alaskan Permanent Fund. Metaphors as a tool could re-entrench existing power asymmetries or resist them, depending on how they impact and influence our…


The Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Act of 2023 has rightly been criticised for failing to uphold good consent and data subject rights. One provision that has been largely overlooked is Section 16, which pertains to the transfer and processing of personal data outside India. Section 16 permits data fiduciaries to transfer personal data…


Open distance learning (ODL) refers to a flexible mode of education that allows learners to study remotely, leveraging various technologies for communication and interaction. Open universities (OUs) adopt ODL to provide accessible and flexible educational opportunities for diverse learners.
Open educational…


A data-propelled tendency for economic concentration and the policy deficits that have fueled the rise of Big Tech companies have brought to the fore a critical realization – market power is coterminous with data power and the entrenched control of Big Tech over the data value chains is at the heart of the problem of economic inequality. The…


E-Language Lab is a part of the E-Cube English program developed by Kerala Infrastructure and Technology for Education (KITE) for promoting language proficiency in government and aided schools across Kerala. This program was created and implemented using MOODLE, which is a Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), and…


The entry of generative AI applications in the digital marketplace has intensified recent public debates about AI. Silicon Valley’s ‘move fast’ techno-optimism is now under the scanner. A humane and just AI system requires a radical restructuring of the global political-economic regime of knowledge, innovation, and development. In an era…