

Over the last two decades, information and communication technologies have become an important part of the implementation of different types of programs and schemes by the Government of India in the form of ‘large-scale public digital information systems’, designed for the implementation of programs oriented towards welfare and social…



Twitter, the social-networking platform which serves as a socio-political barometer, was recently purchased by Elon Musk, owner of Tesla. Musk has fired 50% of Twitter staff, toyed with its policies on registration and posts, making it an oligarch’s doll. Clearly the world needs a ‘global digital public town hall’  governed in…


The U.S.-driven Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity would result in a complete stranglehold over the economic systems of the participating countries.

In November 2019, India walked out from the trade pact called the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) involving China, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand…


India should prioritise strong AI governance to ensure data sovereignty, promote indigenous innovation, and address ethical concerns.

ChatGPT may represent a point of inflection in public consciousness about the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its key role in society. It is time to take stock of what society should be doing…


UN Secretary-General António Guterres has called for a Summit of the Future to address global crises, scheduled for September 2024. Ahead of this, a preparatory meeting in September 2023 will allow governments, civil society, trade unions, and researchers to shape the discourse on multilateralism.

The recent report "Spotlight on…


IT for Change and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) joined forces in 2022 to facilitate a series of discussions across the Global South with a goal to create feminist visions for our shared digital future. With the Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development, the Access to Knowledge for Development Center, Research ICT Africa, and FES’…


The Global Digital Justice Forum, led by a digital justice vision, is a diverse group of development organizations, digital rights networks, feminist groups, trade unions, and corporate watchdogs. This includes Campaign of Campaigns, Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN), Equidad, ETC Group, Global Policy Forum, Groupe de…


This article was written by Anita Gurumurthy and Amay Korjan for the German NGO Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung (Forum on Environment and Development), which is a civil-society network that coordinates the activities of German NGOs in international political processes on sustainable development and environmental issues.

An abridged version…


As part of a knowledge partnership exercise between LabourNet Services and IT for Change under the ‘Re-wiring India's Digitalising Economy for Women's Rights and Well-being’ project, IT for Change conducted a baseline survey of 210 urban informal women workers who are enrolled in LabourNet's skills development program for platform workers. The…


As part of our engagement with the Women’s Right Online Network (WRO), we are happy to have partnered with the Tech Policy Design Lab of the World Wide Web Foundation for building a webpage dedicated to mapping the state of online gender-based violence (OGBV) across the globe.