Field Projects


IT for Change's teams for Education and Prakriye, regularly bring back insights and learnings from their time on the field. Notes from the Field documents these insights.*

What it Takes to Maintain Access to the Digital: Experiences of Adolescent Girls in Rural Mysuru Nayana Kirasur


The rise in phone penetration and…


IT for Change and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), with support from the European Commission (EU), are undertaking a five-year (2020-2024) project on Gender and the Digital Economy, called 'Re-wiring India's Digitalising Economy for Women's Rights and Well-being: An Action-oriented Knowledge Intervention'. This project is supported by a grant…


Recently, IT for Change (ITfC) conducted the Student Digifest 2020 aimed at providing a platform to allow students from government and government-aided schools in Bengaluru to demonstrate their learning through the use of digital technology. The outcome was an array of presentations and artwork by nearly 100 students from eight schools across…


A three day workshop on Mathematics for the Class 9 students of BHS High school was organized as a part of the Teachers' Community of Learning program, (TCOL) program from 21 to 23 October 2019. The workshop aimed to support building of foundational skills and conceptual understanding in students, develop interest in Mathematics…


Regional Institute of English, South India (RIESI) and IT for Change (ITfC) have collaborated to introduce ICT in the Post Graduate Diploma in English Language Teaching (PGDELT) program, with the aim of promoting the integration of ICT in professional development of English teachers and in English…


IT for Change designed and conducted a program for the teachers from the Karnataka Residential Educational Institutions Society (KREIS).  80 teachers, who taught Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Kannada, English, Hindi and Physical Education participated in the program.

The aim was to introduce teachers to creative teaching methods…


“In your opinion, what is the most prevalent problem faced by the residents of your area?” three of us from IT for Change, asked the youth of Old Baiyappanahalli a few months ago.

It didn’t take long for the youth to unanimously respond – the traffic at the railway gate, which had been the bane of their existence.

“It’s becoming…


Our “Teachers Community of Learning” (TCOL) is an intensive program focusing on developing classroom strategies and teacher development programs through ICT integration at the class, school and block levels, that can result in meaningful and empowering educational experiences for teachers and students.

In the third phase of the program,…


Building teacher networks and supporting teacher development through digital methods is an important area of our field engagement.  Our teacher education models have adopted the Professional Learning Community approach to in-service teacher education programs. The key objectives of these programs are to build teacher capacities…


In March 2018, IT for Change launched its project Namma Maathu, Namma Jaaga which, when translated, means ‘Our discourse, our space’. The project seeks to address laws and institutions introduced to tackle public and private violence against women which have proved to be ineffective over the years.

Under the project, various intervention…