Field Projects


The Department of IT, Government of Rajasthan is developing a 'Jana Suchana' portal. The aim of this portal is to provide a 'panchayat' centric view to citizens, in which all the support agencies/departments information work/programs for the specified geography would be provided. This helps move the information system paradigm from MIS (…


The paper is the documentation of the ‘Digital Storytelling’ (DST) project run by the authors with teachers and students in seven different goverment high schools. This academic process of creating digital stories and using them in several educational endevours are the central theme of this paper.

India is seen to have…


With the support of the South Asia Women’s Fund, the Prakriye field centre of IT for Change initiated a year-long capacity-building programme for strengthening the agency, autonomy and leadership of 85 adolescent girls in rural Mysore, in March 2016 -- Dhwanigalu. This training programme effectively combines traditional and technology-mediated…


This short essay explores Prakriye’s digital praxis through a conversation with a community leader and her granddaughters who have been associated with Prakriye’s ICT-enabled learning dialogues for adolescent girls, Dhwanigalu. This conversation captures the situated meanings of digital pedagogy, through inter-generational articulations.


'Making Women's Voices and Votes Count' is a two-year project (2013-2014) that aimed at the capacity-building of elected women representatives from Panchayati Raj Institutions, and strengthening the linkages between elected women and women's collectives, for building a vibrant women's political constituency at the grassroots, and gendering…


Between February-June 2015, an external evaluation of IT for Change's Making Women's Voices and Votes Count project was carried out. This 2.5 year-long project focused on utilising ICT pathways for strengthening women's political participation in local governance and the linkages of elected women representatives with women's constituencies at…


Since 2006, the field centre of IT for Change,Prakriye, has been engaged in building an ICT-enabled community information centre model.  The key objective of this is to create a space that can bring local governance institutions closer to women, and particularly, enable marginalised women to seek their entitlements. The information centres –…


These resources were produced as part of the Mahiti Manthana project, a joint initiative of Prakriye and Mahila Samakhya Karnataka, undertaken between 2005 and 2009. Since its inception in 2005, the project primarily aimed at exploring the possibilities offered by community informatics practice, for…


Building teacher networks and supporting teacher development through digital methods is an important area of our field engagement.  Our teacher education models have adopted the Professional Learning Community approach to in-service teacher education programs. The key objectives of these programs are to build teacher capacities and…


Our “Teachers Community of Learning” (TCOL) is an intensive program focusing on developing classroom strategies and teacher development programmes through ICT integration at the class, school and block levels, that can result in a meaningful and empowering educational experiences for teachers and students.

Our TCOL field projects with…