

Schools and educational institutions have tended to use proprietary software applications: software that is not sold, but ‘licensed’, by the vendor. Here, the institution is only a ‘user’, and neither owns the software nor has any control over it. Over the last decade, however, the Indian public school and higher education systems have made…


A virus may be apolitical but our response to it reveals biases and inequities in our systems. As we all adapt to the new “normal”, it is critical that we look at the stated and unstated assumptions, and implicit and explicit changes being made to our social welfare systems, which impact people differently.

Millions of children have been…


In the past, Open and Distance Learning (ODL)  was primarily conducted through snail mail where institutions sent reading and other materials to learners. With the advent of Internet and related digital technologies, this has gradually changed. This paper explores how a free and open digital technology like MediaWiki, and Wikimedia open…


IT for Change (ITfC) and Sri Sarvajna College of Education (SSCE), an eminent college of teacher education in Bengaluru, are collaborating to offer all the courses of the B.Ed. program offered by SSCE as online courses. ITfC will also design and transact the ‘ICT Integrated Learning’ course as a part of the B.Ed. program.

The courses are…


IT for Change, in collaboration with Foundation for Education, Ecology and Livelihoods (FEEL) has designed an e-learning course for Mathematics teachers which is currently being offered for Kendriya Vidyalaya Sanghathan (KVS) teachers. KVS is the Central Government institution that runs schools for…


Recently, IT for Change (ITfC) conducted the Student Digifest 2020 aimed at providing a platform to allow students from government and government-aided schools in Bengaluru to demonstrate their learning through the use of digital technology. The outcome was an array of presentations and artwork by nearly 100 students from eight schools across…


Centre for Education and Technology, IT for Change are designing and transacting a “Technology integrated learning” course for student teachers of the Bachelors in Education course at Vijaya Teachers College, Bengaluru. This is the first B.Ed. course based on the National ICT Curriculum, 2013 of…


The percentage enrolment of children in government schools overall, is declining every year and that of private schools increasing, as the statistics collected by the Government of India indicate. ‘Private’ has become a buzzword for ‘quality education’, or at least to making a claim to be better than ‘government’.


Privatisation of…

Audio resources are a critical component for developing listening skills in learners. This is something conventional print-based resources (textbooks) are unable to provide. IT for Change, in collaboration with RIESI, designed and conducted one-day workshops for the participants of different batches of the Certificate in English Language…


A three day workshop on Mathematics for the Class 9 students of BHS High school was organized as a part of the Teachers' Community of Learning program, (TCOL) program from 21 to 23 October 2019. The workshop aimed to support building of foundational skills and conceptual understanding in students, develop interest in Mathematics…